Renditions - Required Reporting in Kansas

Mobile home owners in Kansas must sign and return their rendition forms each year. Failing to do so can result in up to 50% in penalties, costing them hundreds of dollars. Call us for more information or reach out to your County office below.

Butler County Appraiser’s Office: 316-322-4220 - Form
Sedgwick County Call Center: 316-660-9000 - Website

See this excerpt from the Butler County, Kansas website regarding penalties:
"What Penalties Apply to Personal Property?
If personal property is not listed or if a rendition is untimely filed, the County Appraiser is required by law to apply an applicable penalty. These penalties are set forth in K.S.A. 79-1422 and K.S.A. 79-1427(a) as followed:
Filed March 16 through April 15 5%
Filed April 16 through May 15 10%
Filed May 16 through June 15 15%
Filed June 16 through July 15 20%
Filed July 16 through March 15 of the following year 25%
From March 16- March 15 of the following year 50% "
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